Property at Ashgrove: John William Steel to Thomas Porter Ledlie (conveyance)


Draft conveyance from John William Steel (Trustee of will of Joshua Michael Magee) to Thomas Porter Ledlie of part of townland of Drumcashlone, called 'Ashgrove' (43 acres and 10 perches), situated in Barony of Newry, in County Down, together with adjacent ground of 6 acres Irish Plantation measure; plus an additional 2 roods and 9...

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Draft conveyance from John William Steel (Trustee of will of Joshua Michael Magee) to Thomas Porter Ledlie of part of townland of Drumcashlone, called 'Ashgrove' (43 acres and 10 perches), situated in Barony of Newry, in County Down, together with adjacent ground of 6 acres Irish Plantation measure; plus an additional 2 roods and 9 perches to be held from year to year at rent of 10 shillings and 6 pence. Ledlie to hold property for unexpired residue of term of 500 years and, as highest bidder, agrees to pay £3,100 to Steel. Property is conveyed with consent of Kate Elizabeth Magee and Catherine Magee, free of two charges of £50 and a legacy charge of £2,000 on Ashgrove due to Kate (from will of Joshua Michael Magee). Outstanding legacy charges to be indemnified out of the lands of Rathgorey, Mullamore and Ballycoffey or Ballyhoy. With attached hand written note regarding the sale of Ashgrove stating ïthe Commissioner does not consider that any further consent on the part of the Land Commission for sale of the above lands is necessaryÍ (4 July 1904). Also mentions Murray and Reilly.