Map of Part of Newry, County Down (property map)
Drawing showing the route of the New Road through Camlough between Wiers Rocks and Crown Bridge, showing how much land each tenants loses. Tenants are names in Reference list. Surnames include: Hile, Fowler, McHenry, Harcourt, Cowan, Grandy, Weir, Rice, Rivils, Dooney, McGinnis, Bryans and McGivican.
Drawing showing the route of the New Road through Camlough between Wiers Rocks and Crown Bridge, showing how much land each tenants loses. Tenants are names in Reference list. Surnames include: Hile, Fowler, McHenry, Harcourt, Cowan, Grandy, Weir, Rice, Rivils, Dooney, McGinnis, Bryans and McGivican.