Testimonial from Gerald Cronin, Town Clerk, Newry regarding Maureen Daly, dated 29 October 1954. The letter outlines that she has been employed as a General Clerical Assistant and shorthand typist from November 1947 to August 1951 in Council, is experienced in secretarial skills, on many occasions in Clerk's absence accepted full responsibility for dealing with...
Testimonial from Gerald Cronin, Town Clerk, Newry regarding Maureen Daly, dated 29 October 1954. The letter outlines that she has been employed as a General Clerical Assistant and shorthand typist from November 1947 to August 1951 in Council, is experienced in secretarial skills, on many occasions in Clerk's absence accepted full responsibility for dealing with correspondence addressed to Clerk, of agreeable and pleasant disposition and possesses a good esducation etc.